Anxiety disorders are among the top reasons for psychological consultations to doctors and medical experts today. Causes or factors contributing to this condition vary according to the nature or type of anxiety disorder. For one to understand the many causes of anxiety, it is important to know that each type of anxiety disorder differs in noted factors or causes and the causes may also vary in a case to case basis.
There are instances when a person who is suffering from an extreme case of anxiety is not aware of his condition. He tends to have sudden agitation and nervousness attacks. When this happens, he will eventually lose concentration in what he is doing, thus, resulting to less productivity and control of life.
Although cases of anxiety disorders differ from one person to another, the root patterns of each patient are somewhat alike, particularly in anxiety-prone families. Studies show that majority of people with anxiety disorders also have one or two family members who also suffer from anxiety.
Anxiety indeed has numerous causes or roots, and each patient’s condition is notably unique. With this, it is best to know what causes anxiety in order for one to treat it properly. This will ready the sufferers on how to manage anxiety attacks next time they trigger.
Factors and causes of anxiety
Psychological disorders associated to anxiety have a number of factors that are known to contribute to the intensity and degree of these conditions. There are really no single factor that can trigger anxiety. The factors contributing to the development of anxiety cases often impact or complement one another.
The following are the must-know causes or factors of anxiety disorders:
1. Personality traits
Individuals who are diagnosed to have anxiety disorders always alienate themselves to other people as they regard the society as a threatening place. Majority of those with serious cases of anxiety have low coping skills and poor self-esteem.
2. Environment
Least known to many, the environment also contributes to the development of anxiety conditions. Certain painful and trying events in a person’s life can definitely trigger chronic anxiety. These events can be a separation from loved ones, money problems, and other personal issues involving family life or work.
3. Brain complexity
Studies claim that certain imbalances and abnormalities in a person’s brain chemistry make a person more susceptible to acquire anxiety disorders. With this, majority of prescribed medications for anxiety aim to remedy such chemical imbalances in the brain.
4. Traumatic experiences
Anxiety is also known to develop due to a person’s traumatic life experiences. Examples of traumatic life events are marital separation, abuse, and death. Traumatic experiences can be very damaging and depressing for an individual, thus, resulting to the development of anxiety disorders.
5. Hereditary
Studies claim that anxiety disorders are hereditary. Those who are diagnosed with extreme anxiety conditions oftentimes have history cases of mood disorders, substance abuse, and anxiety disorders. People who are also innately vulnerable to stress are the ones known to have anxiety disorders.
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